Partner with Accel Technologies and generate additional revenue by offering your existing clients and prospects an unparalleled solution for storage and security of sensitive document applications such as laser check printing.

Check-Secure is a laser printer independent, programmable "flash" memory card, security device that instantly enhances control over access of sensitive data, such as signatures and MICR fonts.

Check-Secure is inexpensive and can be programmed and installed by authorized partners or end users in just minutes without any special training.

Accel Technologies offers a 21 day trial evaluation kit, in order for business partners and potential distributors to test drive Check-Secure.

Accel Technologies
30162 Tomas, Suite 101
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
(949) 709-5838 Local
(800) 693-3933 Toll Free

©1998-2013 ACCEL Technologies, Inc.